Gimauve knit
イタリア老舗高級生地メーカーLoro Piana社製素材。オーストラリア産の希少価値の高いスーパーエキストラファインウール。カシミヤと同等の細さの原料(15.5マイクロン)を使用し、毛羽立ち少なく、発色性・光沢感に優れ、ナチュラルなハリ感が加わるコンパクトマシンで紡績された素材です。肌触り良く上質な着心地を約束してくれます。滑らかさがギモーヴ(メレンゲ)のようなきめ細やかな肌触りという意味で、名付けた首元まで最高の着心地のタートルニットです。

Gimauve knit
Materials from Loro Piana, a long-established Italian luxury fabric manufacturer. Super extra fine wool from Australia with high rarity and value. Spun using a compact machine from raw materials as thin as cashmere (15.5 microns), this material is characterized by low fuzz, excellent color development and luster, and a natural firmness. The soft texture guarantees high-quality comfort. A turtle knit that is extremely comfortable to wear all the way down to the neck and is named for its smooth, fine-grained texture that resembles guimauve (meringue).
Materials from Loro Piana, a long-established Italian luxury fabric manufacturer. Super extra fine wool from Australia with high rarity and value. Spun using a compact machine from raw materials as thin as cashmere (15.5 microns), this material is characterized by low fuzz, excellent color development and luster, and a natural firmness. The soft texture guarantees high-quality comfort. A turtle knit that is extremely comfortable to wear all the way down to the neck and is named for its smooth, fine-grained texture that resembles guimauve (meringue).
Simplified Chinese
使用義大利老牌高級面料製造商 Loro Piana 生產的面料。採用澳大利亞稀有而高價值的超級特級羊毛。使用與羊絨相當細的原料(15.5 微米),經由緊湊型機器紡紗,毛絨較少,具有優越的色彩和光澤,還增加了自然的彈性感,提供舒適和高品質的穿觸感。順滑度類似於棉花糖的細膩觸感,到領口處最高舒適度的高領針織衫。
Traditional Chinese
使用義大利老牌高級面料製造商 Loro Piana 生產的面料。採用澳大利亞稀有而高價值的超級特級羊毛。使用與羊絨相當細的原料(15.5 微米),經由緊湊型機器紡紗,毛絨較少,具有優越的色彩和光澤,還增加了自然的彈性感,提供舒適和高品質的穿觸感。順滑度類似於棉花糖的細膩觸感,到領口處最高舒適度的高領針織衫。
이탈리아의 전통있는 고급 원단 제조사 Loro Piana의 소재입니다. 호주산의 희귀하고 가치 있는 슈퍼 엑스트라 파인 울을 사용하였으며, 카시미어와 동등한 얇은 원료(15.5 마이크론)를 사용하여 보풀생김이 적고 발색성과 광택이 뛰어나며 자연스러운 탄력감이 더해진 콤팩트 머신으로 만들어진 소재입니다. 촉감이 좋고 고급스러운 착용감을 약속해 줍니다. 부드러움은 기모브(메렝게)와 같이 고운 질감을 의미하는 이름을 붙인 터틀넥입니다.